Google art & culture

Google has finally launched its stable version of [Google Art & Culture] As an art major who used to partake in digital archiving in Smithsonian Freer Gallery, this is more than welcome advance (yes, I would like to call this as an ‘advance’) in using Google’s networks and world-wide market influence. Although it’s not an obligation for companies like Google to invest in art and culture, this might give them back more than what they’ve invested in the project. It’s also true that science and art always meets at some point, although the two look so disparate and unrelevant at first sight, and even with their inherent (and unreconcilable) differences at critical points. In the end, both are potent AND responsible for expanding the horizon of thoughts of each human generation.

On the banality of 'evil'

Changes brought with internet Based economy, mostly to s. korea

Following kickoff and meetup group model, Korea now can see the country’s own online platforms such as Wanted, OnOffMix Korea has helped people gather together, mostly in Tech field but not limited to these.

The wealth of networks by yochai benkler

In his book ‘The Wealth of Network’, Yochai Benkler proposes that WWW has brought new economic models and social models to the world. The subtitle says ‘How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom’, and the book mostly deals with how web, which is the prima facie social production of the 21st century, can change the way people construct a society as a whole. Based on open sources and sharing models, the economics of a society is now going through a drastic change, based on the unprecedented participation of the people in constructing new worlds online. Even though he professed to be liberal from the beginning of the book, his arguments can be read as too much utopian although he pinpoints several critical social transformation brought with the web cultures.