Estonia's e Citizenship

Today, Estonia launched its experimental e-citizenship initiative. With growing number of people bdwelling inside cyberspace worldwide, cyberspace will not remain as a ‘virtual’ space, but will expand its territory in which people will convene, reside and do their business in the future. And this territory is expanding, without limitation (up to this point) more than faster than ever in the human history. Estonia’s e-citizenship doesn’t come as a surprise given the fact that the ‘country’ has been a major target for cyberattacks for the past several years since 2007, and this landmark incident has awakened the country to get grips of this newly discovered space in the universe. What’s inherently different with this e-citizenship compared to any other ‘membership’ status for conventional websites is that you, the applicant, need to be accepted as a ‘citizen’ acknowledged by the Estonian government, and they can run their business, claim their rights as a real citizen for the territories made by the Estoninan government online. Although bitcoin still remains as a currency for a small number of people (mostly living in the U.S.) at this point of time being, this blockchain economy will also fast grow, which means Estonian e-citizenship can be a judicious, even outsmart strategy to distinguish the country from any other community under the name of ‘nation-state’ government. A number of companies aside from Paypal has already launched their regional version of online payment system, thus blockchain economy is only about to blossom into the physical world.

Refining the sounds

Granular Synthesis - Norbert Wiener’s 1964 Book ‘Spatio-Temporal Continuity, Quantum Theory and Music)

Nlp for medical research

Although many other researchers have been active in leveraging NLP for Medical researches, it seems that what is needed here is not coming up with particularly new algorithms, but utilizing existing text crawling methods to sum up and find related medical research results. Every year, or even every month, new research results come out, some confirming the previous findings, some contradicting with the previous research findings. It’s extremely hard for the med researchers to go through every articles which have been published which are relevant to their current research topics. This can result in redundant researches which cause waste of time, money and efforts of both the patients and medical experts. Although Pub Med and other meidcal websites, or even including Google Scholars and Mendeley seems to provide functions such as related papers or related topics, it might be useful for the programmers to develop a program or medical search engine which can compare and contrast highly relevant researches based upon the online documents.

Language, ai (thus nlp), and why modern day nlp is (still) struggling with human language

This is an old question for scholars in humanities. But what does concist of one’s ‘identity’? As most of the independent countries still have strong regulation on their ‘national language’, and as history education is language is two inalienable features in bringing up ‘national’ citizens, I’ve been wondering what would happen if different countries can make a common history books which can be read to all of the citizens around the world. However, for this to be possible,