
This time, it’s not just about lending your networked territory for those applied for its citizenship. This organization actually publishes their new citizenship status for everyone applying for the citizenship, and its founder want to become a founder of a new country, called Asgardia. Based in space (although it hasn’t been revealed particularly which part of space and how much of the place at space the country wish to claim ), Asgardia is now recruiting their boarding members to launch a new types of organization. They accept application for their citizenship regardless of their backgrounds, including sex, race, age, etc.

Measuring ipv6 deployment level

I just finished writing my paper for QPP, although the paper that I wrote can be a bit off the topic for what my professor has assigned me to do for the class. Anyway, I’ve done the work as this seemed still relevant for my work and for the overall Internet Society. The title of the paper is “Measuring IPv6 Deployment level - Factors Influencing the level of IPv6 Adoption throughout the countries.” and you can find it [here]

6th sts italia conference sociotechnical environments

Just got back from STS Italia Conference (Trento and Venice this time) in which I gave a talk about fragmentation and social influence in shaping Internet cultures in different countries. I’ve tried to focus on legal and linguistic influence on Internet. Though the final product was not satisfying enough even for me, ended up being selected so I gave a talk. Thank you for the STS Italia committee for giving me a chance to present my paper.

Charles babbage, colon nancarrow and the dream of artificial composer