Aixmusic project

Following is my application document for AI x Music Project, proposed by KOCCA and SM Ent in South Korea.

Writing a new mythological story

What if our descendants are taught with a different history book, which is composed of different mythologies from different linguistic societies around the world? Characters from Chinese myth stories meet with those from Greek myths, and weave their own new language out of these.
Maybe we can create a new language, even out of this combination of different languages? Ques: anthropological studies into different ‘memes’ and ‘phonemes’ of myth, studies by a french philosopher? This can weave the laws of different regions throughout the world How constitution of the International Law can be created based on the ‘deliberative’ ‘multistakeholder-model’ based democracy? Through Web.

A computational foundation for the study of cognition david j. chalmers

This account can be used to justify the central commitments of artificial intelligence and computational cognitive science: the thesis of computational sufficiency, which holds that the right kind of computational structure suffices for the possession of a mind, and the thesis of computational explanation, which holds that computation provides a general framework for the explanation of cognitive processes. The theses are consequences of the facts that (a) computation can specify general patterns of causal organization, and (b) mentality is an organizational invariant, rooted in such patterns. Along the way I answer various challenges to the computationalist position, such as those put forward by Searle. I close by advocating a kind of minimal computationalism, compatible with a very wide variety of empirical approaches to the mind. This allows computation to serve as a true foundation for cognitive science.

New legal problems arising from 'networked billions'

Cooperation between law enforcement for Data Transaction vs. Companies trying to shy away from governmental surveillance What happens when two national agencies don’t agree to change the data in their territory? Companies might want to set up their own data center in their territory, not any other countries. But they can’t