A Professor and a research fellow at Physics Department, KAIST contacted so that we had a one and a half hour seminar on my previous paper. Although it was originally rejected by this year’s SocInfo2017, I somehow predicted the result as I was rushing in just writing the paper, putting my broad, vague thoughts into written form. It’s basically about building a computational system to provide daily healthcare service for the general public by using artificail intelligence, focusing on the food that we consume everyday. Although food and nutrients inside the food actually affect our health condition a lot, (think about what happens to people who consume icecream everyday compared to those who abstain themselves from those sweets), and even though there are plenty of research papers written and published about the close relationship between nutrients and disease spanning from neurosis to Type 2 diabetes, there have not been rigorous reserach effort put into this field.
I also referred to some research companies serious about leveraging computing technologies such as NLP for healthcare system, this research field still remains largely as terra incognito. As Seunghyun Kim, the research fellow and one of the authors for the paper “Uncovering the Nutritional Landscape of Food”, are making food recommendation system, I’m expecting to join the team so that I can contribute to analyzing medical articles published on the themes by using some nlp based on R and python.
The result is what nobody has explored before, and this gets me quite excited.